Branding and Awareness Techniques - Brand Storytelling

Purpose: Capture Attention

Tue Mar 1, 2022

Say Yes to New Adventures

"Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s." — James Chapman

Brand storytelling is the process of connecting your brand to customers through an emotional narrative, focusing on developing empathy by associating your brand's values to the values you share with your customers. Developing an emotional resonance with your audience is essential for telling great brand stories. A brand story is more than a succession of events (and then, and then); it's a suspenseful trip during which the audience participates. The most effective brand stories elicit empathy, keep an audience's attention, and compel them to perform a specific action that benefits both the consumer and the brand.

The art of telling stories dates back thousands of years. Before written language, people told each other stories to transmit what they had seen and explained what they had experienced. Humans consume and communicate knowledge through storytelling. When you think about it, storytelling is also essential in marketing. From the beginning, marketers have been selling stories. The only thing that has changed is the channels through which we tell our experiences.

If you want to succeed in this global economy, you must express your brand story now more than ever. Brands now must do the same as Apple did with their advertising to stand out. The television has been turned off. On the internet, a new struggle for brands is being waged. And the opposition is ruthless.

The internet has made reaching your target audience cheaper and more accessible than ever. The difficulty is that you're now fighting for your customer's attention with tens of thousands of other brands, big and small.

Researchers in neuroscience have discovered that storytelling is the most effective approach to attract people's attention, embed information in their minds, and emotionally connect with them. It will never change because the human brain is wired to demand, seek out, and respond to the well-crafted narrative.

If your website's About page is just a list of what you do and whom you do it for, creating a fascinating narrative is a beautiful way to elevate it and make it more engaging for your visitors. Consider using a narrative structure like Simon Sinek's Find Your Why technique, Donald Miller's Storybrand, or the classic Hero's Journey for maximum impact.

And telling a story doesn't have to be limited to your About page. You may create a YouTube series to persuade your fans to subscribe to your updates, just like your favorite Netflix show. This may make your viewers more interested in your program's next season than they are in the current season of Stranger Things.

Consider producing a story full of tension, surprise, and emotion that your viewers will relate to your brand, regardless of the channel you're targeting them on before you approve another round of listicles, how-to blogs, and ultimate guides.

Pragati Gupta
MBA Student, IIM Vizag
Interests: Content Creation, Traveling, Music


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